I specialize in working with anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety, anxiety related to PTSD, and anxiety related to the recent COVID-19 pandemic. I tend to favor a mindfulness based approach in treating in anxiety. I also incorporate emotion regulation skills and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques.
I specialize in a wide spectrum of depressive disorders and can help you develop the coping skills and support you need in order to feel a part of life again. I am also comfortable working with those who are engaging in self-harm behaviors and who may be experiencing passive suicidal ideation. There is a fine line between what is appropriate for outpatient care and what necessitates more intensive therapy. If you are unsure, I can provide a comprehensive assessment and provide appropriate referrals as needed.
Substance Abuse
I specialize in substance abuse, most notably with adolescents, having worked with teens in both a residential and IOP setting for 4 years. I am trained in The Seven Challenges, an evidenced based treatment model to specifically target adolescents. I am also trained as a leader in this program. The Seven Challenges has recently developed a curriculum geared toward adult substance abuse and has been used extensively in IOPs, as well as outpatient settings. I have worked with people dealing with a variety of substance problems, including alcohol, marijuana, and opioids.
I specialize in adolescent mental health, including substance abuse. I also work with adults up to age 64.